Gianna Gambuti, MS, CTRS, CBIS, CPST
Ms. Gambuti is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) and Master Level Recreational Therapist (CTRS) specializing in working with athletes and individuals focused on physical fitness across all age groups. Her expertise lies in helping clients achieve their athletic goals, break through mental blocks, and enhance resilience in their sport. Through her sessions, she teaches coping strategies tailored to address stress reduction, improved confidence, self-esteem, and self-advocacy. Additionally, she offers visualization and mindfulness tools, creative arts for emotional expression, and fosters the development of a growth mindset. Ms. Gambuti also integrates sensory integration techniques, incorporates movement therapy drawing from her Yoga training and her certification as a Zumba instructor.
Ms. Gambuti took initiative in utilizing her skills and passion to start a well-received Special Olympics Program at her club gymnastics team. She also presented at the 2019 Evidence-Based Practice Conference at Temple University about her research on Snoezelen multi-sensory environments (specialized therapeutic spaces designed to promote, calm, targeted stimulation, and enhance learning and development) for individuals with sensory processing disorders. She is working to publish her research and continues to incorporate gained knowledge into her work with clients.
- Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS)
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Sports injuries: Coping and recovery
- Mindfulness
- Self-esteem, Self-confidence, & Self-advocacy skills
Ms. Gambuti loves animals and has two dogs. In fact, one of her dogs is in training to become a therapy dog to reduce anxiety and depression for patients in rehabilitation, inpatient, and long-term care facilities/hospitals. She loves helping her clients thrive and to become or remain as active and integrated into their daily lives as possible. Her passion for an active lifestyle is evidenced by her prior status as a NCAA level gymnast at Temple University.
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